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HOBY Canada

Meet the Board of Directors | Cydney Morris, Co-director of Diversity and Inclusion

Hey there!

I’m Cyd, and it's a pleasure to meet you virtually! HOBY has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I'm glad you are here; I'm happy to share a bit of this experience with you!

My first HOBY experience was as an ambassador at the 2018 Western Ontario 3-Day Seminar. That was a weekend I will never forget! I pulled into the parking area, unsuspecting of the welcome, and to a shy, scared, and shocked grade 10 student, my first thought was, "what I had gotten myself into!?" Three days later, I left feeling inspired, confident, and empowered that I had garnered skills to help me on my path to be an effective leader alongside like-minded and enthusiastic people.

I returned the following year as a Junior Group Leader for the Powerful Pink Pumas. Since then, I have volunteered as Regional Director for my county, Co-Coordinator of CLeW’s alongside Bethany McKendrick, and have had the honour to work with Shilpi Brahmbhatt as Co-Director of Diversity and Inclusion! HOBY continues to play an integral part in my life, and I have had the chance to meet so many outstanding, kind-hearted, and wonderful people!

Through all my involvements and projects (both within and outside of HOBY), inclusivity is at the forefront of my mind; and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with HOBY. I have learned so much about myself and collaborating with others in various scenarios. Since joining HOBY teams, I believe I’m a much better leader and a more passionate friend and ally. The past couple of years of being separated due to unprecedented circumstances has reinforced my dedication and commitment to HOBY. As an alumnus, I recognize the importance of compassion and resilience as we continue to grow in our journey as leaders!

Since joining HOBY, I've learned what my purpose is in life. My vision in life is to motivate individuals to impact the global society positively. My HOBY community and the global community have helped me be more mindful of myself and the world around me. Often we are told we are the leaders of tomorrow; however, we are the leaders of today, and I'm beyond grateful to have a part of this HOBY community where we all care about each other and care about making the world a better place.

Please reach out if you have any suggestions, are interested in the Task Force, or just want to chat! I'm so proud of all that we have done, and I'm looking forward to all that we will accomplish!

Sending virtual HOBY hugs!


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